Friday, June 7, 2019

Pestering A&E

Hello again, 

This last week has been a bit unpredictable with Alan in and out of A&E, but we really feel that God has gone ahead of us each time. I usually look after our grandchildren one day a week, and a friend's children another day; and both days were cancelled in advance with other people wanting to look after them- so it left me free to chauffeur Alan in to A&E!

  • Monday 3rd June-  Another rough night, and we were back in A&E by 8am. Alan had more fluid drained off his worst lung, and we were sent back home in the afternoon. 
  • 4th and 5th June - Alan was very tired, and we started cancelling our commitments and offloading things on to members of our brilliant team. 
  • 6th June - Alan was really struggling to breathe through the night, and we left at 3am to go back to A&E. We were expecting to have the lung drained again, and were hoping that they may put a 'tap' in to make things easier - meaning that a nurse could come to the house and drain the fluid, and save us going to and from the hospital. 
After a lot of waiting around yesterday, Alan's lung still wasn't drained and they kept him in over night. 
We are hoping that this will be done today, and then we can have him home again. 
We spoke to the oncology team last week, who seem optimistic that they can get the cancer under control with immune therapy. We have an appointment with Alan's consultant on the 17th June. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are generally at peace and are thankful for God's provisions, always. 
My sister sent me this song this week - it seemed so relevant:

Love Sue

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