Monday, July 8, 2019

Trail of Hearts

We continued the tight rope walk last night, trying to distinguish between treatment and relief of discomfort and pain. The nursing staff put up an antibiotic drip which Alan reacted badly to – he wanted it ‘off’ – we got it ‘off’, but he was still trying to communicate something to us in his breathless state. He kept saying ‘it’s so simple’ ‘off’ – his family finally got the message – he wanted everything switched off; oxygen, saltine, monitor etc ‘off’. If he was going to ‘live again’ it would be by God’s power and if not, he wanted to depart as many a friend of God before him ASAP, and ‘you get home to bed’ as he told me the previous night.

We, his closest family, said our goodbyes and tried to clumsily express our love for him as we entrusted him into God’s care. My time for loving and cherishing ended at approx. 11:20pm as he uttered his last breath and God’s heavenly team took over.

Ayla had also left us a message to pass onto ‘Bampa’. She was concerned as to how she’d find Bampa in heaven when she got up there – she wanted him to leave a trail of hearts. Shouldn’t be too difficult for a Bampa who touched so many hearts with God’s love, as he lived the life God called him to – sharing Jesus with anyone who would listen.

Thank you for the cloak of prayer and love that you have put around us.


  1. Dear Sue and family,
    it was with sadness that I received the news from Marten Holmes of Alan’s passing. May you be very aware of our Father’s presence and promises during this difficult time.

    I knew that Alan had not been well from Alice Fanstone’s Prayer Notes but Marten has given me a few more details, including the link to your blog posts. I am greatly encouraged by your grace and faith through these stormy seas.

    Alan’s vital ministry, especially in the schools and on the ships, and his quiet, humble and humorous nature will be greatly missed.

    Be assured that people are upholding you in our 31 OAC nations all around the world.

    Together in the grip of grace,

    Rob George
    OAC International President

  2. My dear Sue - I saw a post today from Elizabeth about your dear Alan. I have just finished your blog and my heart is overwhelmed with love for you and your dear family.

    What an inspiration you were to our family during our time at your church, such warmth and love and even more the JOY for God lived out daily!

    God bless you my dear, you are in my prayers - I praise God for Alan, and his ministry, which has an amazing legacy in the lives he touched. A true servant of God


    Heidi xxx


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