Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Ups and Downs

Alan had the talc procedure done on Tuesday, to stick the lining of his lung to the lung itself in the hope that fluid wouldn’t build up as much. Apparently it works in 60-80% of cases and if it works then it can be quite painful. 

On Wednesday, Alan was in quite a bit of pain which he thought was good in some ways as it meant the procedure might have worked. Oramorph (morphine) helped to ease things a little and he was looking pleasantly dopey when I left him that evening! 

Things have been up and down since then. His breathing is occasionally a bit better, and he’s able to shower without the oxygen on a good day. 
Alan has just finished a course of antibiotics for an infection. He seems to be coping with things quite well and is still in good spirits despite the waves rolling in one after the other in our current storm. 

The ward is incredibly hot. I managed to find a second hand fan for sale and get it PAT tested the same day (Thanks Rick!) and took it up to the hospital. God had obviously gone before us, as the hospital were okay with me taking it in. 

I am beginning to put things in place so that when Alan comes home, it’s a bit more comfortable for him. My sister managed to find a reclining chair so that on the days when Alan doesn’t have the breath to get upstairs, he can hopefully sleep slightly more upright in the chair. 

Yesterday morning I noticed that Alan’s legs, feet and knees, as well as his tummy are looking swollen and a slightly different shape. The doctor reckons that fluid could be building up there too, and he had an x-ray yesterday afternoon. Please pray that the swelling will go down either supernaturally or by medical means. I spoke to the cancer nurse and she said that his protein levels are low and that might be the cause so we're 'upting' the protein when we get him home.

Despite the waves throwing us around a bit, we are still generally at peace although I do occasionally have my moments. 
I am so blessed by the Kiftsgate climbing rose - it is covered with gently scented blossom at the moment and I usually sit under it to have my breakfast. There are petals gently falling around me and each one is heart shaped. Reminds me of the love of God, family and friends. Thank you for all your love and support.

Hot off the press - just had a call that he's coming home this afternoon! And I haven't mowed the lawn! 

Love Sue 

1 comment:

  1. Sue, we haven't been in touch directly, as we know what it's like to have endless messages, but we are praying for you both so much, and are so concerned about the situation. You are both much loved. I'll think of you when I smell my rose which I've put right by the front steps - so we can sniff it as we go past, it's called Fragrant Cloud and lives up to its name - a deep pinky red - I'm collecting its petals to throw over our grand-daughter Megan at her December wedding! Huge hug and loads of love from us both. You are a joy.
    Anni and Korky


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