Monday, June 10, 2019

A Waiting Game

Alan has been in hospital since Thursday awaiting a suitably qualified person to drain the fluid from his lung, and for an implement (which we are calling a 'tap') to be inserted, to enable regular draining and an eco -friendly way of watering the garden!!! We reckon it would be quite nutritious, and are thankful that we are still able to laugh through our storm. 
Alan has been on and off oxygen since Thursday morning, when his oxygen levels fall and he needs a bit of extra help. His body seems to be learning to cope with less capacity - our bodies are wonderfully made and there is a lot of prayer going on! So he is needing the oxygen less now and only takes it when he needs it. 

Today we have heard that there is a possibility that the drain can be done this afternoon, but we don't know if they've found a tap yet - there seems to be a shortage in the country! So, Alan may be home tonight. 

One of the last stories Alan told in his assemblies was of Jesus calming the storm. At the end he encouraged the children to get to know God before the storms of life.
The last week at Kidz Klub (which we've had to stop as Alan is not the only one of the team weathering a storm) they were telling the story of Paul's shipwreck after a storm and God at work through it all.
Then, our friend, Peter, dropped a card around with a note about a bible verse that seemed to speak to him of our situation.
"We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die but as a result we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God; who raises the dead. and he did rescue us from mortal danger...
Many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety." - 2 Corninthians 1: 8-11 (NLT)  
Thanks Peter.

This seemed to confirm to us that Alan's time to go is not yet - although we're ready when we need to face this. The oncology team still think that Alan is an ideal candidate for the new immunotherapy treatment that is available now on the NHS (God's timing?!) and his first session is on the 17th June. 

The song going through our minds at the minute is "King of Kings, Majesty" ....' your majesty, we can but bow. we lay our all before you now. In royal robes we don't deserve, we live to serve your majesty.'
Here's the song if you fancy a listen:

Thanks again for your continued prayer support. We can definitely feel that people are praying. 

Love Sue

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