Thursday, June 13, 2019

Overwhelmed by Love

We are thankful for answered prayer and God's provision of a tap for Alan, which was fitted on Tuesday afternoon, when he had another litre of fluid drained at the same time. After an x-ray and all the usual checks, Alan came home on Tuesday evening. 

We'd like to thank all of the staff that oversaw Alan's care while he was there. All of them were brilliant, and treated Alan so well, coping very well with him winding them up in his usual style! 

We were a bit disappointed that we didn't sleep so well that night. After 5 nights in hospital with disturbed sleep and having to sit up, we were hoping that Alan would enjoy a good nights sleep lying down. However, his lung liner is still quite full of fluid and so lying down was not an option!

On Wednesday we were expecting a nurse to come to the house to drain more fluid, but by 3pm nobody had arrived. At 5pm we bundled into the car after various phone calls and went up to the doctors surgery, where a lovely nurse (who had done it several times before) drained Alan's lung liner. We really feel that she was God's provision for us. 

We have been overwhelmed with messages and cards showing us love and we are ever so grateful for everyone who has contacted us. 
Alan is extremely tired (and I'm feeling a bit weary too...) so if you're planning on visiting, please check with us first via text, Whatsapp or Messenger; as we may be having a nap!

We received an amazing card from a dear friend, Marion, last week with a picture of a boat in a storm on the front. She bought this card weeks ago, knowing that it was for Alan but not knowing anything of our storm that lay ahead. 
The words on that back said:
"Pause for Peace
Toiling long and hard against today's storm, you faithfully completed the assignments God asked of you. The Lord is proud of you and what you have accomplished. He's noticed all of it - every detail. Nothing goes past his attention. Refreshment, tranquility, and rest are here for you. It's time to pause for his peace."

This really spoke to us and provided us with so much comfort that God is with us through our rough waters. Alan noticed the 'pause' bit and wanted to say that this doesn't mean he's putting his feet up for long, it just means he's going through a rest phase! 

As a house group years ago we were saying what we valued about each other. Phil said 'If Alan was stranded down a mine with the water rising, he'd find something positive to say!! It doesn't come naturally for me to be so 'buoyant' but I have learnt over the years to count my blessings and trust in God to work good out of every situation; and we have seen him do that so many times. 

As the old hymn says:
The storm may rage about me
My heart may low be laid
But God is round about me
How can I be dismayed?

Thank you for your continued love,

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