Sunday, June 16, 2019

Sleepy Sunday


It's Beth here (Family friend of The Offords.) I've temporarily taken over the blog to post a quick update:

After coming home from hospital on Tuesday, Alan has had the fluid on his lung drained on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Despite having it drained regularly, he's still struggling to breathe whilst lying down and so he's been trying to sleep sitting up in a chair. 
Saturday night was a particularly restless night, so both Alan and Sue have been trying to rest today. 

They have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow (Monday 17th June.)  Originally, they thought that this appointment would be to start immunotherapy treatment, but Alan now reckons it may just be to talk about starting it. Prayers for that appointment would be greatly appreciated. 

Alan has several other appointments this week to drain the fluid on his lung. This is now so much easier with the newly installed tap, and the nurses are doing a great job. 

With it being Father's Day, I am reminded of the perfect love of our Heavenly Dad. There's a song by Graham Kendrick which seems to capture this love ever so well, and the words of the second verse seem relevant:
"When bruised and broken I draw near
You hold me close and dry my tears
I love the way you father me
At last my fearful heart is still
Surrendered to your perfect will
I love the way you father me."

You can listen to the full song here:

Thanks for praying!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Beth for the update. Please give our love to Alan and Sue and assure them that they are firmly in our prayers. Every blessing. Jan and Glyn


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