Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Adapting to the Big Changes

Alan's other lung lining is now being awkward and filling up with fluid, so we are waiting for an appointment for that. He is panting sitting down and we have given up going upstairs at the moment. 

Dr Wheatley (oncologist) and a lovely Romanian Dr - Margarita - saw us yesterday and are doing all they can to get the treatment sorted ASAP with the respiratory team and the immunotherapy team at the Headland unit. They still seem extremely hopeful that the treatment will be successful and Alan will have a good few years yet. We are in God's hands and trust him to work through them. 

We are generally at peace although tired and tearful at times - an extra touch of love and we may well "well up," or a comment that touches a raw spot. e.g. Alan got a couple of hours good sleep in the chair and then said 'I didn't want to wake up!' which hit me that it could have been taken another way - ouch!

Alan's body is quite battered but his spirit is still buoyant. 

Since starting to write this, Alan and Sue have gone back up to Treliske as Alan is incredibly breathless, so I (Beth) will write the last bit for them!

Alan and Sue are adapting to life being a bit unpredictable (this blog entry being a classic example of that!) and seem to be coping with lots of changes incredibly well - especially on not a lot of sleep.

Sue wanted to add that the song going through her head at the minute is "Will your Anchor Hold?" I'll post the link below - the words seem very appropriate at the minute. 
Watch: Will your Anchor Hold

I suppose the next prayer request is for Alan's current trip to Treliske - that they would be able to sort his current breathlessness. And then that the immunotherapy treatment would be able to happen as soon as possible - all in God's perfect timing of course. And if Alan and Sue were still writing this, I think they would ask that God would be glorified through all of this. 
Alan had some good conversations - or 'divine appointments' as he likes to call them, when he was last in Treliske so I reckon God has a plan despite the waters looking a bit choppy at the minute. 

Thanks for reading, 

Love Sue (and Beth)

Edit: since writing this, we have found out that Alan’s immunotherapy treatment will start this Thursday. Thank you for praying!


  1. Thanks Sue & Beth for the update. I'm praying for Alan to be able to breathe much more easily and to be able to physically rest. Also praying from treatment to start quickly. Praying you know God's presence with you and the storm calms down soon.

  2. Alan, Sue and Beth, I have only just heard your news from Lynn Oakes who asked me to pray for you and read the blog. If you remember me at all, Alan, it would be as Joy Crossland when I was at Penryn Infants and also at Flushing school. You came and uplifted us with your wonderful assemblies and encouraging words. You are in my prayers for your healing in the Name of Jesus and His Peace, Strength and support as you journey . God will indeed be Glorified as you see the many blessings in disguise that He brings. Rest in Him and know He will never leave you. God bless you so much.

  3. Thanks Beth for letting me know about this blog, it is good to be able to catch up without overloading Alan and Sue. Love and hugs in Jesus, Sandra Harbage


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